Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Testing, Testing....Is This Thing On?


It's been a while, my faithful friends, my loyal followers. How have you guys been?

This is my FIRST post for the year. Yes, you read it right. FIRST....and it is now November. I seem to have lost some of my blogging mojo after pledging in early 2015 that I have become more committed than ever to being a blogger.

Maybe my youngest growing out of being a child affected me more than I cared to admit. After all, I was in parts a mommy blogger, what am I going to blog about if my child does not want to be the star of my blog anymore?

Maybe I was committing myself to "too-strict" a deadline with regards my posts. I always encouraged myself to write at least once a week. Maybe once a month is better? I remember the days when I used to spurt out posts till kingdom come....where did all that creativity juice go?

I would not venture to offer any more excuses as that is all what they will be...excuses. But I don't think I shall be professing to be more committed to posting as I had done in previous years. Creativity should be allowed to flow. And maybe I need a different focus...and direction.

I have somewhat turned my blog into a travelling mommy blog but maybe I need to get my other passions going.

Let me mull it over a bit more....until the new year perhaps. I will come back...maybe not in my mommyblogger uniform anymore. But I definitely will always come back to writing. I am not ready to hang my blogging cape just yet.

Shall we make a new date for the new year?

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Annual Break

Yep, I'm taking one this year again. It's a little late in the year with only 1 day left to 2015 but better late than never, I suppose. I thought I'd throw it out there just in case someone's waiting for some scheduled posts, which might only come sometime late January, early February.

I'm taking a break from the writing after trying to be consistent all year, only falling off the bandwagon around the last few weeks of November and December. Got very busy with work and side work and....well, you know how it goes.

Now it's time to get busy with the holidays and so this is it for the year. Hope to make a comeback in the new year with a bang. Hope you guys had the most wonderful Christmas and wishing you the very best of the New Year.