Friday, December 12, 2014

Back in a Mo!

Around about this time of year, I always drop this word, "hiatus". It's the holiday season, you see, and even bloggers need their holidays.

In the last 4 Decembers since I started this blog, I've always had to study for final exams or travel through Europe so my hiatus always came early, around mid-November onwards.

This year, I didn't have any more exams left since I finished my studies. And so I stayed a while longer blogging, but I would still like to take some time off.

I think a lot can be said about refreshing and re-energising one's soul. The holiday season with its festive mood does that for me.

Anyway, I hope to see you guys back in January. Have the very best of the holidays. After all, this moment...this really the most wonderful time of the year.

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