Not so long ago, my youngest was just picking flowers for me, stealing them from someone's garden bed, pinching the most colourful, craziest, vibrant ones of the lot, happily presenting them to me in a bouquet.
Not so long ago, my youngest was just planting a kiss on my cheeks and squeezing me a hug. She does it with such gusto that I almost bowl over just by hugging her back. She had no care, no qualms, no complaints about showing off how much she loved her mommy.
Not so long ago, my youngest was just learning how to make bubbles out of chewing gum. She was disappointed not to have learnt it right the first time. I patted her gently to remind her that life's journey may not always go your way, but you should always enjoy the ride.
Not so long ago, my youngest was just experiencing her first amusement park ride. It was such a great day. She learnt about fear, excitement and thrill all into one. I taught her how to scream.
Not so long ago, my youngest was just playing with her teddies on her first flight abroad. She held onto them so tight that I'm sure the teddies would've burst if they could only speak.
Not so long ago, my youngest was just on stage for her first ballet performance. It was exhilarating to finally see how ladylike and graceful she had become with her ballet moves. It was also daunting to acknowledge that she had grown up right before my very eyes.
The not-so-long-ago moments seemed just like yesterday. How time truly flies!
Time seems so vicious and unyielding. It waits for no reminiscent mommy, that's for sure. I know my baby won't stay this young forever, but I do sometimes wish that I could stay with her at a certain age for just a little while longer.
"Let them be little...because they are only that way for a while." I'll miss these times terribly....
Missy at age 5 |