Monday, June 11, 2012

VTT Postcard - Bela-Bela - Thaba Kwena Crocodile Farm

Feeding time at Thaba Kwena

We actually went to this farm the day before but realised that they were only feeding the crocodiles the following day and so opted to come back the next day.

Thaba Kwena Crocodile Farm boasts to be one of the biggest crocodile farm in the southern hemisphere. And rightfully so. They have 22000 crocodiles in their farms (not all at the same farm that we were in), big and small. They had one old resident dominant male crocodile named Piet, who is 40 years old and about 9 feet long. He was quite scary when he came out of the water to lie on the ground just beside where we were viewing the crocodiles. He was so big!

Alpha Male = Piet

On the other side of the farm, there was another dominant male named Battle X. He was about 25 yers of age. Also quite big in size. According to the tour guide, Battle X and Piet are never in the same place at the same time as crocodiles are territorial creatures and both males will fight to the death to be the Alpha Male of the pack.

The tour was very informative and interesting. We were quite lucky to have attended just in time for the crocodile's last feeding this season. They do not get fed during winter. The crocodiles appeared tame and boring while being fed. Aside from them opening their mouths and catching the chickens, they just lay about, unmoving. But we were assured by our guide that we must not even attempt jumping over the fence to test the crocs ferocity. As if we had any ideas like that! It's in their instinct to maim and kill, and they will do just that.

Croc fillet

After the tour, hubby tried some croc fillet at the restaurant. I am not so adventurous so I did not order anything. Hubby commented that it tasted like chicken.

Check out the Bela Bela Tourism website where they have more information on Thaba Kwena.

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