Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Blog Template Overhaul...Not!

Not just yet, anyway.
I noticed a few months back that my image slider on my blog header had stopped working. The pictures were still intact but sadly, the slider no longer flowed automatically like before.  This prompted me to comment on a previous post that I was thinking of, maybe, looking at overhauling my blog template once again.
I spent most of December trolling the internet, hoping to find something good. Ideally, something that I could use with regards customization and longevity. I even found my current blog template and several comments from bloggers who have likewise been experiencing the same problem.
There were many, many templates to choose from. The variety is really astounding. I've tried out a couple but have found that my limited knowledge of customization was blocking me from really experiencing the true greatness of the templates. It's always an issue that the uncomplicated designs don't appeal to me, and yet, they have the least maintenance, which is ideal.
In the end of my soul-searching blog template journey, I have found out that although it ain't the best, I (still) really like my current blog template. I haven't had it long enough and so it hasn't really gone stale on me yet. It was just the broken slider that was irritating me and so I set out to fix THAT problem.
There were a couple of suggestions but to make it short, I went with the simplest, which was just to take the slider out and replace it with a fixed header. Everything stayed the same.
So that's it for now. No big overhaul on my part. I'll probably think about changing the template in a year or two again. We'll see.

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