Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weighin In: Update

After my hard work and hunger restraints (and occasional but much reduced cheats) brought on by my visit to the dietitian, I am proud to say that I am half a kilo away from my comfortable weight.

I must admit, it has been slow. I just can't seem to break through my comfortable weight. I need to lose another 4 kilos after that but I seem to be stuck here in this weight for now for the last few weeks.

Regardless, I am still quite happy I got to this stage. I am way better than where I was. At the first half of the year, I did not even know how the heck I was gonna start.

There is still 2 months left in the year and I hope to get to the comfortable weight by then. Even better when I get pass it.

1 comment:

Halie said...

Congratulations! I wish you the best and I hope that you can get to your comfortable weight or better yet, past it.